Originally posted by KWH
1. 3rd and Goal on the B3. Four seconds remain in a tied game. An attempted Field Goal from the B10 is blocked. B picks up the ball at the B7 and runs to the A10. During B's run, B blocks below the waist at the B15 and A tackles the runner by the face mask (15 yards). Time runs out in the game.
There are two options for Team B.
1) Since B gained possession of the ball with "Clean Hands", B may retain possession of the ball by declining A's foul. The BBW against B is then enforced. The game situation would be 1st and 10 for B at the B30, the period is extended for one untimed down, during which B may elect to attempt a 47 yard field goal to win the game.(NFHS 10-2-2)
[Edited by KWH on Feb 28th, 2005 at 12:14 PM]
I think you may be getting a little mixed up on the yard lines. With a foul by B on B15 the penalty should be half the distance. Otherwise the kick from B3 would not have been a field goal attempt (only a 114 yard attempt). Otherwise I agree with your rulings.