Thread: Delay of Game
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Old Wed Feb 23, 2005, 12:56pm
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Adam Adam is offline
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I'm assuming you have rule variations on this, but normally there are two horns on a timeout and quarter break. The first horn is a warning, the second horn is the one we go on.
If the coach has the players moving by the time the 2nd horn goes, I don't concern myself with it. If the coach holds his players for 15 seconds or so after the 2nd horn, we're looking at putting the ball on the floor (or handing it to the other team, whichever is appropriate.) It's not a T.

If your officials are used to higher levels, they're probably thinking more along the lines of 1 minute breaks. Is there a warning horn in the middle of the 30 second timeout?

Aside from that, they may not be all that interested in getting too anal about it in a 5th grade game.
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