I'm usually the one who refers to FIBA as FEEBLE. My typical ugly American bias is for some international (or worse - Euro) self-appointed governing body with the audacity to think they know better how the strictly American game of basketball (actually, invented by a Canadian working in the US) should be played.
It reminds me of the outcry from the international community when our professional soccer (yes - I said soccer, not football, which is an entirely different game altogether) league fiddled with the center line offsides rule a few years ago. (BTW -soccer is that game for kids who can't use their hands)
Do we have different sets of rules in the US for different levels of competition? Of course. So what? It's for the same reason Major League Baseball doesn't use aluminum bats, and the NFL insistes players be down by contact. As people get bigger and stronger, they need rules that take into consideration their increased size and strength.
So...not all of us feel the reason we make pejorative remarks regarding FIBA rules is because we are not familiar with them; some of us feel that way because we feel US basketball organizations have an inherent right to make those rules.