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Old Tue Feb 15, 2005, 09:34pm
Rich Ives Rich Ives is offline
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You don't like the call so you're trying to find a reason. Give it up.

You can't use definition 1. We know it can't be definition 1 "Occurring at once; instant" because that really isn't physically possible.

For another look at "immediate" look at 7.08(c) [which you are attempting to invoke]. Do you require "instant" return or a definition 2 "near the present time - immeduate future" return? Most runners go a ways past the base, make a slow pivot, and walk of jog back. It certainly isn't "instant". It certainly is "near the present time - immediate future". No one ever gets called out for that. Must fulfill "immediate" as it pertains to baseball rules.

Therefore you have to go with definition 2 "Of or near the present time - immediate future".

The play meets all the criteria. A tag is required.
Rich Ives
Different does not equate to wrong
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