Thread: Mercy Rule
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Old Sat Jun 09, 2001, 05:16pm
Tom Cook Tom Cook is offline
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Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 156

We had a game like that last year. The visiting team showed up (I mean the bus entered the parking lot) at game time. We finally got the game started 50 minutes late. The home team trainer had do tape the visitors, they didn't bring so much as roll of tape.
In the fourth quarter, the visitors behind by 35 points, I as head linesman, asked the head coach if it would be alright to run the clock. In Indiana, we have to have consent from both coaches to run the clock. His reply was "No, man, we came down here to play football." After another series, during which the losing team threw three incomplete passes, (It's now almost 10:00 pm and we're just starting the 4th quarter!) We ran the clock anyway. The coach complained and said that he was going to report us to the state. I told him that he could, but then we'd have to report him and his team for being an hour late. Needless to say we were late gettint home that night, but it gives me another war story to tell.
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