I agree wholeheartedly with the interpretation in case play 5.10.1 Situation C.
Why? Because the official did not call anything. Time ran out. Buzzer. Game over.
The rules do not allow me to penalize after the buzzer something I should have done before the Buzzer.
As I reread Rar's original post I see he fails to say whether the foul occurred before the buzzer or after the buzzer. He also fails to say if the officials actually whistled the foul. If RAR will supply this information I can more accurately give an answer.
My ruling was based on an official actually whistled the foul before the buzzer went off. From there I can correct the Timer's mistake and return the clock to the time I had knowledge of. See Casebook 5.10.1 Situation A. It would be the same answer if the play read B1 fouls A1.
Bottom line is I put time back on based on knowledge and also would award team A the penalty for either the foul or violation.
[Edited by Daryl H. Long on Feb 12th, 2005 at 01:50 AM]