Originally posted by mikebran
The PBUC and MLB interpretation: The ball remains live.
David Emerling
Memphis, TN
[Edited by David Emerling on Feb 11th, 2005 at 07:31 PM]
I believe that RR says what you said. That we allow the defense to get some more outs. PLEASE let us stay with my example.. the obvious extra out is as I posted, the throw is cutoff and they get BR into 2nd.
I do want to question if RR opinion actually is the MLB interpretation.
But consider the above, after the Interference by the coach, there is NO WAY that runners can advance.. so let that cutoff throw to 2nd go sailing into CF.. now the BR scampers home... and after we call TIME... aren't we sending him BACK to somewhere? Again, after an interference, we don't allow advancment, right?
I think we should stop the circus as soon as possible. Perhaps let the out happen at 2nd but if the ball is overthrown... then KILL IT? Only asking... [/B][/QUOTE]
Roder doesn't give any specific examples like yours, unfortunately.
However, Jim Evans (in JEA) gives some examples and amplifies what Roder was trying to say.
The ball *is* instantly killed if a play is being made on the runner with whom the coach interfered. All runners return to the base they last touched at the time of the coach's interference.
If there is no immediate play being played on the interfered runner, play is allowed to continue.
Here is a JEA example play:
Runner on 2nd...the batter hits a ground ball to the shortstop. The B-R advances to 1st and overruns the base as
the ball deflects off the 1st baseman. The B-R feints to 2nd and then trips to the ground. His coach helps him up
as the other runner attempts to score. The 1st baseman retrieves the ball and fires home in time for the putout.
Should the ball be killed at the time of the assist by the coach or should the out stand?
RULING: Since the play was not being made on the assisted runner, the ball remains alive and in play. This is a double play. (Though not covered specifically in the Official Rules, this ruling is based on common sense and fair play. If the ball were instantly killed at the time of a coach's assist, the coach could always control the status of the ball by grabbing a nearby player.)
Evans explains the rationale:
When a play is being made on the assisted runner, the umpire should call "Time" and enforce the penalty. The runner is out and all runners return to the bases occupied at the time of the interference (assistance).
If no play is being made on the assisted runner, the umpire shall signal that the runner is out and allow the ball to remain alive. This enforcement principle permits the defensive team to make plays on other runners if possible.
It is also consistent with other enforcement principles in the Official Baseball Rules in which you have a "delayed
dead ball": 7.06(b) - Obstruction with no play being made on the obstructed runner; and 7.08(h) - Runner declared
out for passing a preceding runner.
It's still not clear if the umpire, once having made the decision to allow play to continue, can subsequently kill the play as soon as it becomes evident that the play is to the offense's advantage, like when a poor throw is made by a fielder.
But there would be support for such a ruling. Take Type B obstruction. The umpire allows play to continue UNTIL the obstructed runner is thrown out prior to reaching a protected base. In other words, the umpire allows play to continue to allow the offense to make greater gains, if possible. Once that does not happen, play is killed.
Analogous to that would be what we're discussing with regards to coach interference with a runner.
If no immediate play is being made on the runner - play continues so that the defense may gain an advantage. As soon as the defense gains no advantage, play is killed.
That's just a guess on my part, however. But it seems reasonable. Doesn't it?
David Emerling
Memphis, TN