Fri Feb 11, 2005, 02:31pm
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Join Date: Aug 2001
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Originally posted by Starman311
1) I'm just curious, however, if there is a no call by the lead official in the play described at the start of this message (jump shot on the baseline) and the trail official calls a foul when near the half court on the weak side (I'm making this assumption), is it ever appropriate for the lead official in this case to immediately call a "pow wow" and attempt to talk the trail official out of making the call?
2) Or to go even further, can the lead official every overrule this call in this situation (assuming the trail sticks to his guns)?
3)What if there are 3 refs working the game? Can the 3rd ref act as a "referee" in this situation?
1) No
2) No
3) No