The key to allowing sub or not is based on if the clock SHOULD HAVE properly started.
If the foul by B was BEFORE anyone else touched the ball then the clock should not have started, therefore sub A1must wait.
It the foul by B was AFTER ball was touched then the clock should have been properly started and Sub A1 may reenter legally.
Just because the timer FAILED to start the clock properly does not take away conditions for A1 to legally reenter the game.
Additionally, since 10th/sec are not showing it would be possible for clock to have been started and turned off with no visible reduction evident. (Example of this would be there were actually 1:46.9 when free throw missed, when ball was touched the clock starts, whistle blows for foul and timer stops clock at 1:46.1. With no 10th showing the clock would continue to show 1:46 both before and after the foul)