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Old Mon Feb 07, 2005, 06:08am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Unhappy Stuff like this bugs me.

Originally posted by cloverdale
in our association they want the timer to give us a horn at 20 sec./ at 30 sec. no horn but a nod to allows us to control the situation, after another strong suggestion to the coach to get a replace up if no movement then a T.
Why doesn't your association just follow the rules? Coaches shouldn't have to be begged and cajoled to do their duties. I'd bet that after the first coach got a T for failing to replace a DQ'd player in the alloted time the word would be out that the local officials are serious and there wouldn't be a delaying problem again for quite a while.

In short, the NFHS rules should control the situation.
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