First off, Just because I do not do Fed., does not mean I do not do HS games. Fed. is banned in Boston, we use the OBR. OK
Now to the wetting of the fingers. Can you tell me where you got the idea that wetting the fingers is a balk? I have never seen it in OBR, OBR interps nor anywhere else concerning OBR. The penalty is always a BALL, never, ever a balk.
Wetting the fingers is only written once in the OBR and that is in 8.02(a) Penalty, Ball. It is never mentioned in 8.05. No rule calls it a balk.
As to the dropped ball scenario. You ask why doesn't the rule say more. That could be said about a ton of other rules too. That is why there are interpretations, authoritative and Official, to clarify the rules. I posted one and I'll rest on that. G.