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Old Sun Feb 06, 2005, 07:59pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by RookieDude
We can clear up what the other official thought also...he thought it was like a TO, with the sub required to check in before the horn at 20.
I certainly think that you should bring this up at your next meeting. Bring your 2003-04 Rules Book and be prepared to quote from POE #5 on pages 73+74.

As I stated earlier I won't type out the whole thing, but I will post some of it because of what you say this game official mistakenly believed.

"B. This period is NOT a time-out; it is for making a required substitution."


"I. A warning horn shall now be sounded at 20 seconds if the required substitute has not reported to the scorer's table. This is an indication to the head coach that a substitute should report immediately (2-12-5). This warning horn does not have the same substitution restrictions as a warning horn for a time-out (3-3-1a); other substitutes from either team may still report and enter the game until the ball is about to become live. (3-3-2)
J. If the coach fails to make the required substitution by the end of the 30-second interval, a direct technical foul shall be assessed to the head coach. (10-5-1d)"

The bold is mine. I highly recommend that you have all of your officials starting using the terminology "replacement period" or "replacement interval". That will emphasize that this is NOT the same as a time-out.
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