Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Originally posted by Mark Padgett
FYI, I have a Masters degree in Political Science from a Big 10 University.
Which one? I live near a Big 10 University
See if you can figure it out from this clue: it has the #1 ranked basketball team in the country.
As to why I didn't pass on the T - here's why. This rec league has a zero tolerance policy in grades three through eight on unsportsmanlike comments to officials from coaches, players and fans. All profanity is an automatic flagrant technical - if from a coach, it usually also includes a suspension.
I had already passed on the head coach saying "Blow the damn whistle" because he said it under his breath and no one other than him and me heard it. But when the a$$. coach yelled his crap out loudly at me directly in front of his team, I really had no choice under those rules.
[Edited by Mark Padgett on Feb 6th, 2005 at 01:10 PM]