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Old Sun Feb 06, 2005, 11:06am
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett is offline
certified Hot Mom tester
Join Date: Aug 1999
Location: only in my own mind, such as it is
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Originally posted by thee xbear
Well, I was told to leave this alone, and did, but since your buddy not going to tell you to LEAVE IT ALONE, then I shall go on..

"Your buddy not going to..." - a vowel is missing

Is that all you can come up with.....thats weak!!

"thats" is missing an apostrophe

You need to graduate to a dictionary that doesnt have pictures and more than 20 pages.

"doesnt" is missing an apostrophe

next, now you take a type-o and say I cant spell, thats genius. I have a college degree, do you?
"type-o" is misspelled - it's "typo" / "cant" and "thats" are missing apostrophes / apparently your college degree is from "Cousinmarriage State" and is a BCT (Bachelor of Chewing Tobacco) / FYI, I have a Masters degree in Political Science from a Big 10 University.

and to your first post, if you cant take a little lip from a coach with out giving him a "T" then you need to find something else to do. You think you are supeior out there but your not, your out there to call the game, so do it. Dont think you are some kind of king out there. Ive seen your kind before, and this is the only power you have in your life and you go overboard with it...CALL THE GAME!!

"cant", "Dont" and "Ive" are missing apostrophes / "without" (with out), "superior" (supeior) and "you're" (your) twice! are misspelled.

Welcome to the board. BTW - is it true they don't use DNA testing in your state because everyone's is the same?
Yom HaShoah
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