Let's try a little common sense here. First: Nowhere in any code does a player that is declared out have any rights to correct anything.** Once you're out, you're out.
Second: Once the half inning ends the ball is dead. A player cannot correct a base running error when the ball is dead UNLESS an award of bases occurs - not the case here.
Third: If the BU/PU failed to notice the miss at 1st, there's no doubt that the BR missed 1st when he runs back to tag up.
Play 1 - BR out (4th out appeal), no run scores
Play 2 - BR out (4th out appeal), no run scores
** there was some chatter on one of the baseball boards about 2 or 3 years ago about a player tagged out on the 3rd base side of 2nd while returning to 2nd trying to correct a base running error, ie: runner missed 2nd and immediately tried to return and correct it. Question was "does the defense lose their right to appeal the missed base since the runner was attempting correct his mistake?" It was highly debated with no firm conclusion. I've not seen it sense. However, that senerio was nothing like Play 1 or Play 2.
George in NC