Originally posted by batterup
First of all 8.02 reads like this. A pitcher cannot lick his fingers when in the 18 foot circle SURROUNDING the pitching rubber. That is when it is a ball. Once the pitcher is on the rubber different rules apply. Look to 8.05.
It is a balk when touching the plate the pitcher makes any motion naturally associated with his pitch and fails to deliver.
It is also a balk to remove one hand from the ball without delivering a pitch or throwing to a base.
In short once on the rubber you can't be licking fingers, adjusting hats, or things like that without being called for a balk when runners are on base. You must pitch with one continuous motion without interruption.
I believe you are reading that rule wrong. When you first go on the rubber with one hand by your sideand the glove hand at your waste you are in set STANCE 8.02.
Let's say you have the ball in the glove, If you then wet your fingers, that is a ball, not a balk.
Then if you take your signals, stretch and come to a stop, you are now in SET position 8.05. If you try to lick your fingers from the set position then you have to separate your hands and THAT is the balk. You never get the chance to lick your fingers withought before the balk is called.
Same thing with 8.05(k) If the pitcher, while touching his plate, intentionally or accidentaly drops the ball, it is a balk. Not true.
When the pitcher starts the STRETCH and drops the ball it is nothing 8.02. However, after he comes to set and starts the PITCH and he then drops the ball, balk 8.05. Don't get the two rules confused.G
[Edited by Gee on Jun 3rd, 2001 at 10:00 AM]