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Old Fri Feb 04, 2005, 10:54am
Smitty Smitty is offline
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Re: Counts can be confusing

Originally posted by David B
Originally posted by Smitty
Originally posted by Ref Daddy

I use it.

I don't think of it as a mechanic - just a reminder and signal that the defender is off the ball too far. I also make a point NOT to hold the arms spread, just a quick "measure' and then drop 'em back down.

I view it as more of game management than anything.

NFHS does not have a "machanic" to warn players to "watch your hands" or "get outta the lane" either. Don't we all use those too?

But it is a mechanic and it doesn't belong in the high school game. When you use a non-fed mechanic and your partner doesn't, you end up looking out of balance. There is a mechanic for closely guarded - it's a visible count. When there is no visible count, then there is no closely guarded. Verbal warnings are not mechanics. This is no different than the tip signal. It only draws extra attention to ourselves and is just incorrect to use.

Many times, people complain about how inconsistent we are in repect to how we call the game. To me the mechanics are just like the lines on the court. They are specific, clear and black&white. There are no gray areas with our mechanics. All you have to do is use the specific mechanics in the book and everyone will at least be consistent in that respect.

Now that I've said that - how many different ways do people use to tell your partner that time is running out in the quarter?
I can see your point, but I wouldn't say "it doesn't belong in a FED game".

As stated above, the counts can be confusing. Count while he's holding, then count while he dribbles, then suddenly he's NOT closely guarded so you stop, and then he's closely guarded and you start.

Many times the coach will say "start the count" or something to that effect. At those times, this signal is an easy way to let the coach know he's not closely guarded.

As the POE I believe was this year, the closely guarded was changed this year and I know some officials who will not count unless the defense can touch the offeense. By rule that is not correct.

Then the next night you have a guy calling it as suggested by rule, so it can be very confusing.

We simply switch arms when changing from one count to another. What do you do when someone holds the ball for a few seconds, then dribbles the ball for a few seconds, then holds the ball for a few seconds? Count with right arm...spread arms wide to indicate a new count...count with left arm...spread arms to indicate new count...count with right arm? And that's not confusing?

I stand by my comment. It's not a Fed mechanic and doesn't belong in the game. It promotes inconsistency.

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