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Old Wed Feb 02, 2005, 08:15pm
Theisey Theisey is offline
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Please, don't fling a bag halfway across the field to mark the spot. Just drop a bag at the yardline where possession was lost. The fact that a ball was loose and rolling around should provide enough info that there was a fumble or not. Players know when the ball is fumbled, listen to them and hold you whistle unless you are positive the runner was down prior to the ball coming loose.

As far as an enforcment spot, the spot of a fumble isn't when behind the NZ. NCAA officials will usually drop a bag on fumbles behind the NZ because if the ball winds up OOB in advance of the fumble, it will be returned to the bag.
NF has no such rule, so dropping is not needed. But I've changed as my years roll on and will knock any official who does drop a bag in this situation.
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