Wed Feb 02, 2005, 02:11pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 1,592
Originally posted by bigzilla
I always wonder how much piling on do you allow in an attempt to tie up the person on the floor. If they get on top before they tie up, pretty much has to be a foul doesn't it?
Sort of in the same vein, in my last two games, I have had a coach want to know how I called a foul when it was a loose ball? Well, lets see...your player was chasing the opponent...the opponent was chasing the ball, and your player dove through the opponents legs from behind trying to grab the ball, and in the process sent the opponent to the floor. Having read the rules on loose ball contact, to me that is a foul, although I have to admit reading it left a lot of situations on which I wouldn't be sure. I have decided if its a loose ball and they are in equal positions, contact is permissible, but if one is at a disadvantage and makes contact to gain advantage, this is a foul. Am I way off on that one?
I've also had coaches ask before how it can be a foul when they don't have the ball. I have to smile and walk away because I know if I talk then I'm getting in trouble.
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?