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Old Tue Feb 01, 2005, 10:03am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by tomegun
OK, I've read this entire thread. Can I take my bar exam now?
Sure -- What ingredients go in a "screaming viking?"

Back to the issue at hand:

I decided that Nevada was right -- this was a T. So, in last night's game, I issued one.

I also issued a T for a player whose shorts were too low -- it made the jersey number not centered vertically. Similarly, another player had the shorts too high.

Another player had a thread sticking out of the shadow trim around the number. Since the trim was already 1/2", the thread made the number illegal.

Another player's trim around the neck was frayed -- it was greater than 1/4", so I issued the T.

One team was wearing gold jerseys, and the T-shirt of one of the players was more of an ecru color.

After the game, both coaches thanked me for finally enforcing the rules and stated how they wished more officials would pay attention to all the little things that really matter.

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