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Old Mon Jan 31, 2005, 10:07pm
totalnewbie totalnewbie is offline
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Posts: 149

Thanks for the reply. Look, dont mistake my devil's advocate position and request for feedback as me saying I love that T. I dont.

I am trying to find the personal philosophy for why I do or dont pass on a T.

We'll probably all agree on this: if it is in the book as a foul or violation, it should be called, particularly if advantage/disadvantage is gained.

Now not a single one of us, I would imagine, actually does this. We all use our discretion. Which is what we are supposed to do.

Heck, I passed on 10 travels last game alone and a some silly hand contact by girls that cant play good defense. And the book didnt have starters 10 minutes before and I didnt T that up either. And when a girl used hands on a cutter I didnt ring her up. Instead I said "watch the hands 32" because the pass didnt come down into the paint it went across the perimiter. No advantage/disadvantage. And at the end of the game when the girl grabbed an arm or waist to take a foul and put the otehr team on the line I said it was close enough to playing the ball and I called a regular foul, not an intentional.

But what are YOUR personal parameters of that discretion? I am trying to find mine. That is why I want feedback on this.

I like the idea of making sure you make calls that are respected so that when things get tight and you have to make a tough charge call on the home team you can make it and it will be recieved right and that way the focus is oon the game and not your calls. I get that. But where do you draw that line? How do YOU balance the need to have your calls respected with the need to make the right calls?

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