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Old Mon Jan 31, 2005, 09:14am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by johnnyrao
Happened last week in a varsity boys game I did. A1 goes to the line to shoot two free throws. Team B coach calls his entire team over to the bench and starts to talk to them. Our trail official tells the coach he has to have two of his players take the first lane spaces. He says that it's a two shot foul and he will put them there for the second. T goes and tells the coach he must, by rule, have two players in the first lane space. He sends two players out there. From his reaction we all agreed he did not seem to know this rule (not that it is supposed to matter). The whole thing took about 20 - 30 seconds. What is proper to do here? We talked about it after the game and we think you can do a few things:

1) Do what we did and just make the players get in the spaces and continue the game; if they refuse, call a T for delay of game.

2) Give the ball to the shooter and immediately put out a fist for a violation; if the shot is made administer the second; if missed, give another shot; if the team is not ready to play for the second free throw give a T for delay.

3) Administer a T for delaying the game (we're not sure about this one since this is not one of the specific delay incidents cited in the rule book).

Your thoughts?
FED: Option 1.

NCAA: Option 2.

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