Thread: substitutes
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Old Sat Jan 29, 2005, 01:48pm
Mark Dexter Mark Dexter is offline
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Originally posted by refnrev
OK. I need to plead ignorance here. Is there some reason one would want to get their number of posts up? I'm still new to this thing -- and really enjoy it. I thought maybe I inadvertently (I hate that word when I use it before the phrase "blew the whistle!) said or did something offensive and couldn't figure it out. Glad to know that wasn;t the case. I also don't know the people well enough to realize those things. Thanks for the heads up. But again, why would someone want their number of posts up?
Well, there used to be a list of the "top ten" prolific posters. That's been disabled, though, so it's just for show on each post now.
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