Originally posted by David Emerling
...so many people simply DON'T get it. ... Why?
Hmmm... asked and answered
The issue with the rule is the numerous scenarios that came come up in a real game where the rule may need to be applied.
So, someone who ... still does not understand it ... has an issue with their own ability to deal with multi-variable problems rather than an issue with how the rule is written.
Umpiring IS dealing with multi-variable problems. There is no doubt some umpires muddle through with only a fair knowledge of the basic rules and just ignore everything else. I know an umpire who refuses to call the IFR because he can't keep it straight. Wonderful.
I also challenge your assertion that
most everybody can speak intelligently on ... obstructions {and} illegal pitch
Wow! Are you new to these boards?
So you like the slowpitch EH (EP) rule. Fine. We could all just adopt the rec-ball "bat-the-roster-unlimited-defensive-substitution" rule, too. Real simple, then. No need for even a line up card except for BOO.
Why don't we just adopt the USFA's rule book and declare, along with them,
Any organization that changes these
rules is changing the foundation of the game.
Of course, after this bit of sanctimony they proceed to change them, but what the heck.
The real issue with DP/FLEX is people go all ga-ga and forget that these are merely positions, and unless you are dealing with the player playing DP replacing the player playing FLEX (or vice versa) NONE of the rules concerning batting order, substitutions, or re-entry have changed.
that (which if you can't there must be a lot of the other rules you can't remember, either, like my friend and the IFR) and you have 90% of the DP/FLEX rule locked.
[Edited by Dakota on Jan 28th, 2005 at 12:01 PM]