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Old Wed Jan 26, 2005, 03:29am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by BushRef

You are so wrong it isn't even funny. The fact that a person is sitting on the bench in uniform is NOT what makes them eligible.
I'm sure that you aren't an attorney, since you have demonstrated your total inability to grasp the concept of jargon. (: the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group)

As I've told you before, eligible is being used in a very narrow and specific way in the NFHS Rules Book. It means "hasn't been disqualified." That's all. You just can't understand that.

Have you contacted the NFHS yet as I asked you to?
Until then, you have no basis for your remark.
It is as obtuse as those you have made in some of your other posts. Especially, the one toward rainmaker.

So come on now, accept the challenge and contact the NFHS. Let's see you actually back up something that you say for once.
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