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Old Tue Jan 25, 2005, 09:32pm
KWH KWH is offline
Small Business Owner
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Portland Oregon USA
Posts: 520
Here is the actual wording...

The underlined sections are the new wording.
Revise 3-3-3a as follows:
There was a foul, other than unsportsmanlike or non-player or fouls which specify loss of down by either team and the penalty is accepted. In the latter case, any score by the team which fouled is cancelled.
Play situation: QB A2 runs many yards beyond the line to gain as the clock runs out for either half. A2 realizes he will be unable to score, but sees A3 in the end zone. A2 throws a complete pass to A3. RULING: The half (game) is over and no points scored. "Loss of down" penalties will not extend a period, regardless of whether the down is a factor.

While the wording may change slightly in its final form the intent is pretty cut and dry: "A" can no longer gain an extra play (and possibly win the game) by fouling in this manner.
The trade-off (on a 4th down situation, "B" is not given one untimed down) is a small price to pay for "A" no longer to be given the chance of letting their all-state kicker attempt the winning field goal from the 9-yard line. If you disagree, I suggest you ask any coach that has lost in this manner!!!

I would also expect some wording changes to last sentence of Rule 5-2-2 as the current wording currently conflicts with this new rule. And, perhaps, (but no likely) the Rules Committee will write a 4th down exception to this loss of down exception. I would, however, like to see them Rules Committee vote on BobM's suggestion that the offended team be given the option of whether to extend or not.

Hey ya'all. It may take a few years to get the wording just right, but remember, We made it through PSK with a few bumps. Based on that we should be able to make it through this one...
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