Originally posted by JJ
The questions are multiple choice, but not listed "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f". There is no "f". And they scramble the answers each time you log on, so it's not automatically in the same place in the key each time. I will echo Carl - don't rely on web answers from anywhere but the NCAA site. And I still don't know what the correct NCAA answer is!
I just took the test and would have received 49 out of 50 of the answers we had agreed on before it was posted.
The original "correct" answer was f (or the check mark goes by: Allow the play to continue after the batted ball hits the runner at first base).
The correct answers now are: everything except that one and "score the runner from third base."
I'll have to have a serious talk with Jim Paronto. (grin) The answer to that question is a reversal of the official interpretation I received. I'll have to post a correction to BRD section 306.
Well, that's what you get when you fool around with those NCAA boys. (another grin)