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Old Mon Jan 24, 2005, 12:06am
Carl Childress Carl Childress is offline
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Originally posted by David Emerling
Originally posted by Carl Childress
David: I have an even stranger play, one given by Kyle McNeeley of the NFHS rules committee at the TASO state meeting.

B1 pops up in foul territory behind first base. The umpire calls "Foul ball." F3 catches the pop-up. And the answer is:

It's just a dead ball, and the batter stays at bat!
You gotta be kidding me?

David Emerling
Memphis, TN [/B]
Would I kid one of my favorite writers?

The moral is: Keep your mouth shut on fly balls. (Or ignore the NFHS rule.)

Note: The ball is immediately dead when the umpire calls "Foul ball!" My question: Can a dead ball be caught for an out?
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