I was under the impression that he'd done that accidently which of course is covered in (b) of 9.1.1.
"Why would you want to stop the attempt for something the shooter could have prevented?"
I may not particularly want to be I have no rules reference to "do nothing" in this situation. I do have a specfic rules situation that defines what is to be done when the free-throw shooter doesn't have control of the ball through his fault or the offical's though.
I'm certainly not defending "hot dogging" at the free throw line but one could argue that "muffing the pass" as described in (a) of 9.1.1. is the fault of the thrower and that taking the ball behind the back and losing control which again is the fault of the thrower whether intentional or not is covered by (a) of 9.1.1.
Again, this is just my interp of the rules. I'm sure their are other more experienced official's that might sheed some more light on this and even help me gain a better understanding of what can be done.
Steve M.