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Old Thu Jan 13, 2005, 01:29pm
ChrisSportsFan ChrisSportsFan is offline
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He's a good guy says who?
So far as they know he's a good guy, but it seems that this Judge has questionable standards to determine who's a good gut and who's not. I still feel sorry for his kids, I'm sure they're proud of their Dad and now they could suffer from financial loss. I feel for Bell's kids to if he has any.
I smell a rat! Something's not right with this. Why have the officials law if you don't consider a body slam as assault on an official?
Hopefully Bell wins in a civil suit but like RookieDude said, I'd rather have my health.

TMP44, you've still gotta go on with your situation. Don't let this get you down rather let it motivate you. Keep us informed.

[Edited by ChrisSportsFan on Jan 13th, 2005 at 01:31 PM]
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?
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