There are occasions that neither the H or LJ could see into the interior of the line especially on a QB sneak type play. On our crew, the U will give a thumbs up if he believes the ball has crossed the goal line, the H and myself will run in and verbally confer... that the player was or was not down prior to crossing the line. Once we communicate what we saw, we will then signal TD or mark the ball. This ensures that we get imput from everyone prior to making a call. We began this process after reading this thread previously on the forum, and I can say it worked well for us this season. When we go back to the sidelines it seems the coach is mauch happier to hear that we discussed the call quickly, to ensure it was the right call.
Previously the U would signal TD and on more than one occasion the Coach would subtly lend his opinion about the U being able to see both the ball and player when crossing the goal line. The comment often being.. thats not his call to make.
[Edited by Texoma_lj on Jan 1st, 2005 at 01:44 PM]