Thread: Hands Hit
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Old Mon May 07, 2001, 11:46am
llblue llblue is offline
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First, as an aside to Bob, I would most certainly be a male. I've been called many things, female is not one of them

I did a JLS tournament this weekend.

2 outs in the inning, full to the batter. She swings and the ball hits her on the wrist. F2 helps even less by dropping the dropped 3rd strike.

Manager obviously ignored my rather loud "dead ball, strike 3" announcement. As did his player. She says "it hit me" I said yes, but you swung.

Repeat the same with the manager. I run him through the rule. He comes around after catching on that I have a clue. He agrees with me and walks away. Between innings he said he figures tonight will be a good night to read the book. That's right, play 3 games, question everything and then read the book.

He was one of those guys who tried to play me whenever he could, he finally got bored when he realized I knew what I was doing.

This was the same guy last year who was arguing for interference on a delayed obstruction call. His team was on offense, F6 bumped R2 and he starts screaming for intereference. He did it twice that game actually. He was leading by 15, before it got Kevorkianed so, I obliged him and called R2 for interference and the out.

He got the point and never asked for INT again at the wrong time.

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