Originally posted by Hartsy
18 scheduled games this season, and I have about 14 different partners to work with, all two person crews. I actually like it this year, because I'm new at this and figure to pick up a lot of good (and some bad) advice and observations.
Is working with a different partner every game pretty standard, or do most of you seek to work as teams? Around here it seems that most of the varsity level crews work together every game, but not so much any other level.
Here in southern Wisconsin, assignors will contract crews whenever possible. I work with a regular partner and we work roughly 48 games together. I also work with other senior level officials so we build a network of alternate "crews" if games need to be filled for some reason.
Wisconsin has "Conference Commissioners" who basically do all the assigning for their particular conferences. AD's/Coaches generally contract officials for scrimmages, non-conference and tournament contests. The state association (WIAA) assigns all post-season tournaments leading to the State Tournament. These assignments are based on official's ratings from coaches, number of varsity games, conferences worked, NFHS exam scores from I & II, WIAA evaluator reports, previous post-season experience and, I shouldn't say this....but "politics" can play a role too. (Politics shouldn't be a part of this....officials should be rated on "OBJECTIVE" criteria only!).
Happy New Year!