Originally posted by Thom on 01-21-2000 03:04 PM
As a former official and now coach I venture my personal feelings Re. 3 officials.
It is hard enough to get 2 officials that are consistent. It is nearly impossible to get 3.
I think if you have 3 officials that everyone should get 6 fouls instead of 5.
One of the reasons for going to 3 officials was the pretense that it would "clean up the overly physical nature of the game, particularly the inside game". I submit that the game is more physical now than any any time prior. (It hasn't accomplished this)
I can never remember thinking at the end of a game that it was a good thing they had 3 officials instead of only 2.
I will take 2 good officials over 3 mediocre ones anytime.
I have seen very few games with 3 officials where it wasn't obvious that 1 of the three was either intimidated or noticeably inferior to the others.
I am not "anti-official". The only "T" I have ever had was for a scorebook violation.
I have a great deal of respect for officials because I know personally how difficult the job is. I just do not feel that having 3 officials has added anything positive to the game. If having more officials was truly better I think we would be up to 4 or 5 by now.
I also want to say that since my "discovery" of this page a couple of months ago that I have learned more about the rules and the views and philosophies about officiating than I have in all of the years I have been involved with basketball. The participants here are the most knowledgeable, candid and conscientious officials I have yet to encounter. You guys (gals) can call my games anytime.
What do you coach?
Why don't you use 1 official and you won't have to worry about consistency. With 1 official you can drop the number of fouls to 3 instead of 5. The inside game has gotten more physical and I agree. But it is not the sole responsibility of the officials. Evidently, coaches as yourself, are teaching more agressive behavior. But don't dare mention that the kids are bigger and stronger today than ever before. Don't mention that kids now play b'ball 12 months out of the years versus 3 months a few years ago. And please don't mention the fact that there more games on tv and the kids attempt to duplicate the Dennis Rodman's of the world. Oh no, blame it on the refs.....
You see, we officials think 3 coaches are way too many on any one team. Should be 1 head coach and that's all. I'll take 1 good head coach versus 4 or 5 mediocre assistants any day of the week. After all, the teams that have 3 or more coaches, it never fails that these guys are intimidated by the parents and the school administration. But most of the time, they are just plain inferior. Hey, look at the money you could save by getting rid of these do-nothing assistants.
Now look, I'm not 'anti-coach'. I just think that by having more coaches it would make the game and the kids better, and it just hasn't.
And right, I'm sure you wouldn't disagree with a call by an official from this web site.