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Old Mon Dec 27, 2004, 04:26am
Dave Davies Dave Davies is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 73
PS2man sez,

"If the umpires during the Phillip's reign were not so arrogant, they would not have lost their jobs in the first place. They should have realized that there were many just waiting for a change to take their position. How stupid they were. The just better be glad that someone decided to give them a break. If you ask me they got what they deserved."

You know for a fact that it was "arrogance" that got these guys fired and "they deserved what they got."

Sounds like you have inside information on the working of MLB and their conflicts with Richie "Arrogant" Philips. Why don't you enlighten us and tell us what you know?

The gentlemen that got caught up in this are exemplary and exceptional individuals that trusted their union leader. That was a mistake. even naive. But, "Stupid"? I know that you have never made any mistakes and you are about to enlighten us with your knowledge of union activity.

"They got what they deserved.? They deserved to lose their benefits? They were illegally denied their retirement packages? Sounds like you support Selig & Alderson, who intimated to one of these arrogant, stupid people that he would never see a dime of benefits and would have to use all of his retirement money to fight the lawsuits that have just now been settled.

Hopefuly, you won't lose your ability to practice your profession when there is a union/management conflict of which you will have no control.

The umpires that should be scrutinized more closely are the ones who resigned initially. When the going got tough, they turned tail and recanted their resignations. Gutless.

One of the umpires who is no longer in the game told me that he is personally very happy for the young guys who came up and filled the slots. You should just hope to have this guys courage, pride and integrity.

Dave Davies
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