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Old Fri Dec 24, 2004, 01:22pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Lightbulb It is not about that.


That is all nice and idealistic, but you cannot tell people what levels they want to work and what they should work. It is not nobler to work lower level games when you have achieved a higher status. I know I work only 3 days out of the week on average so I can balance my work life and my officiating life. I do sometimes work more, but it is not to take on a game I have no desire to work. Some of us have families and other obligations outside of officiating. You cannot tell people you have to work a grammar school game when just doing that game might take you away from another obligation. There is a post on this website where a guy is talking about whether to ref or watch his kid play a game. There is much more to this than "not wanting to work lower grade games." I know I worked my behind off so I did not have to work 5 and 6 days a week as I did when I first started. I am also a relatively younger guy that has been blessed not to have any major knee or leg problems to keep me from running. What about those officials that have been working 20 years and might have had a knee surgery and working 3 or more times a week is a physical struggle?

Goose, I think you need to realize that officiating is a hobby. It is not something that we are obligated to do or obligated to work certain levels. Maybe you can do that, but I know I cannot work anytime I like without making some sacrifices in other aspects of my life. And much of the time it is not worth it to make those sacrifices.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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