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Old Fri Jan 21, 2000, 04:04pm
Thom Thom is offline
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As a former official and now coach I venture my personal feelings Re. 3 officials.
It is hard enough to get 2 officials that are consistent. It is nearly impossible to get 3.
I think if you have 3 officials that everyone should get 6 fouls instead of 5.
One of the reasons for going to 3 officials was the pretense that it would "clean up the overly physical nature of the game, particularly the inside game". I submit that the game is more physical now than any any time prior. (It hasn't accomplished this)
I can never remember thinking at the end of a game that it was a good thing they had 3 officials instead of only 2.
I will take 2 good officials over 3 mediocre ones anytime.
I have seen very few games with 3 officials where it wasn't obvious that 1 of the three was either intimidated or noticeably inferior to the others.
I am not "anti-official". The only "T" I have ever had was for a scorebook violation.
I have a great deal of respect for officials because I know personally how difficult the job is. I just do not feel that having 3 officials has added anything positive to the game. If having more officials was truly better I think we would be up to 4 or 5 by now.
I also want to say that since my "discovery" of this page a couple of months ago that I have learned more about the rules and the views and philosophies about officiating than I have in all of the years I have been involved with basketball. The participants here are the most knowledgeable, candid and conscientious officials I have yet to encounter. You guys (gals) can call my games anytime.
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