Thread: Last Out
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Old Thu May 03, 2001, 05:45pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Re: Re: Please bear with me.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fearnone
[QUOTE]Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
It doesn't, Mick.

I would not make such a call. If a defender with the ball reached for a tag, tripped and knocked a runner off the bag accidentally, you would rule the runner out if the defender made a tag? Not me.

Not me either. easy "Safe" for me (as noted above in my first response)

If the runner reached the base first and
did not lose contact voluntarily or without coercion from the defender, I am not going to rule that runner out.

If this is what you meant to write I am lost. If you meant to write the following, then I understand and agree with that also.:

If the runner reached the base first and
did lose contact voluntarily or without coercion from the defender, I am not going to rule that runner out.
By Fearnone:
The way I saw it was the runner voluntarily pulled her arm off. She did not "yell" in pain or make any motion to attempt to call time. She just pulle dher arm off.
Nope, I'm sticking with it. You are asking the player to risk injury caused by the defender's clumsiness or be called out.

If that's your reasoning, why not just allow the defender to stomp on a runner's hand or foot until removed from the base and as long as the runner doesn't scream, she is out?

I don't think so.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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