Sat Dec 18, 2004, 11:01am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 2,910
Originally posted by johnnyrao
Can I tell the timer during pre-game not to post team fouls on the scoreboard? I did a JV game the other night and in the 2nd half the home team had 8 team fouls and the visitors had zero. Now, as exepected, the home team coach is riding us hard and letting us know what the scoreboard is saying (yes, she did eventually get a T for this and a lot more). My mindset all this time is 1) are we really missing something from the visitors here? 2) are we seeing fouls from home that aren't really there? We talked it through after the game and decided a few things. First, Home could have had MANY more fouls but since they were down by 20+ we actually let a few go. Second, since they were down by so many their offense consisted of one pass and a three-pointer, usually rebounded by the Visitors, so there were few/no V fouls. We felt we were good in the way we called it but obviously, because of the scoreboard, many in the gym thought we were idiots.
If I can't tell the timer not to track fouls on the board, then do any of you "give" fouls to the visitors to make the scoreboard look a little better and get folks off your back?
You don't tell the scorer to not show team fouls. That's part of his/her job. In that case, you don't "give" (as in invent) a foul on one team, but you can just try to focus harder to make sure you don't miss any and make things worse.