Originally posted by Dudly
Originally posted by tmp44
Let me also say this, if your layup was a fast break, IMO I would have waited for the fast break to end, and then pin him. No one can really moan then--A gets their lay up and B gets the free throws and ball.
I don't see how you could do it this way. As always one side isn't going to like your call. If you're going to T him, do it. Don't wait for them to get the lay up then appease the other side by letting them shoot.
T him up. Let the other side shoot. I'll bet he doesn't get into that situation again. If it comes down to his team losing because of his mistake I don't think you have changed the outcome of the game.
The only reason I would wait is based on this: If you have an injury in the backcourt while a fast break is transitioning, do you blow the play dead immediately or do you wait for the fast break to end? Most officials I know do the latter. If you're going to pin him anyways, then what can it hurt to not wait a half second. Let me also say this though, a lot of that would depend on how close the offensive player is to the bucket; f/e, if he's only at mid-court, I'm pinning the coach.