Chuck, good point about the verbage/signal although I would report it as a push.
Jurassic, I read your reference in the rule book. I would still report it as a push. I guess that is just me and what I've seen and heard from others. The only reason I ever mentioned it (nit picking) is that it is different from Fed. and could be considered to be the same.
As far as my reason for taking the game, there are a few reasons. I want to do as many games at the highest level when possible and this a D2 conference. I have been to the two schools that are the furthest away from me already so it will hopefully be smooth sailing from here. Although I might complain, I'm a basketball junkie. I've already been asked if I'm going to stay in the conference next year and I didn't have an answer. It is my first year in the conference and I don't know about next right now. I have to work on my game for another conference I'm in and this conference does have some play above the rim play so it has already helped. I will just have to chalk this up as paying my dues for the next level. I just have to deal with the cards I have right now until my hand improves.
[Edited by tomegun on Dec 15th, 2004 at 11:20 AM]