Originally posted by zebraman
The Frosh and JV coach will only "work you" if you let them.
I guess you missed the sarcasm.
Trust me,
the Frosh and JV coaches WILL NOT be "working us"...at least not for very long.
BTW, a ironic story relating to tonight's Varsity Boys game.
There was a thread today, talking about ejecting a V coach in the stands during a JV game.
I had never really thought about it untill reading the posts today.
Well, sure enough, tonight a JV official ejected the V coach from the gym they were playing the JV game in. The V coach was not at the bench but in the stands.
I couldn't believe it! I did not see it but the JV official told me, at their halftime, what he had done.
He didn't give much detail...just that the coach was questioning him about a call.
Well at the pre-game coaches conference, for the V game, the coach looked a little shaken. He said he had coached since 1962...and had NEVER been ejected!
I asked him if he was at the JV bench...and he said no, he was just watching the game and told the JV official that something was not a correctable error...he was very surprised that the JV official ejected him for that.
I guess the JV official might have had a quick trigger tonight...or we haven't heard the whole story.
Anyway, I told him since he wasn't at the bench, it might not be documented...it would be between the school and the WIAA state office to determine that...if in fact the JV official turns it in to our assignor???
We had a great V contest...with many lead changes through out the 4th quarter. No problems with either coach...just a real fun H.S. basketball game to work.