Cold weather reffing? Finally, something us Canucks can offer some real insights into!!
Those of us out here in Western Canada don't run into rain all that much, but cold? OY, we know cold but good!
IMHO, two key elements of staying warm when the temps go below zero C (+32F), and that involves lots of layers above the waist and keeping your feet warm. First, the feet. If they're cold, the rest of you will be cold and you're already doomed. Two pairs of socks is a must, along with the stirrups, and you should be fine, as long as your cleats aren't too tight. If it gets below -18C (0F), and it does get that cold here in October believe it or not, then one of those little heat pads under the balls of your feet can work wonders.
The heat pads are a no brainer in the gloves if it gets super cold, and don't be afaid to wear some black sport/ski gloves as well. Yeah, the flags and beanbags and pencils are tougher to work, but if your hands get too cold, they just don't work, and that can cause problems gripping the flag in key situations, especially if you're an ex player like me and arthritis has long been your friend.
Up top, start with a lycra long sleeved shirt to wick the sweat away from your trunk and layer up after that with a t-shirt x 2, long sleeved Tneck and change wet layers between halves or games to stay dry. I bought one of those stiped jackets from Honigs last year for when things get desparate, but to me, that seems like a whimp out, but sometimes if you're doing a double headder in the evenings, it's worth the mocking of your crewmates!
Words of wisdom from the Great White North, where men are men and sheep are