Originally posted by LarryS
We have been told by our chapter to avoid the T at all cost. One of the top officials in the chapter said he had two borderline flops early in a game from the trail position he told that team's coach "Man, that last play was almost a flop...I'd hate to have to T up a player". As soon as that team got the ball, coach called a 30...no more acting took place for the rest of the game.
Sounds like a excellent example of preventative officiating.
At all cost? Wow, do they have you ignore very many other rules at all cost?
If its a flop its a flop, I don't buy the idea of "borderline flop". Why should we be so afraid to call this especially since its a POE, so it must be a big problem or concern for such focus.
Also, it was early in the game what better time to call this? It may have been preventative but I don't offer a coach a warning for many things that could lead to a T why should I start with this?
Be a pioneer! It only hurts for a little while.