Originally posted by mdray
My one other question remains -- is there inconsistency in the rules in what the defense is allowed to do in this sitch (for those that are agreeing with my no-call)and what the offense is not allowed to do?? i.e. - catch a throw-in pass while it is on the OOB side of the plane
I don't think so. The rules already give the offense an advantage (the defender cannot reach over the plane until the ball is released, and if there is not enough clearance behind the thrower, the defender has to stay back three feet), so this rule somewhat balances the equation. IMHO.
By the way, I'm at a loss as to what throwing the ball "diagonally" inbounds entails. I'm picturing someone throwing the ball cross court, but I fail to see how a defender could intercept such a pass while it is still OOB. Where was the inbounder standing, and where was the target, and where was the defender? Thanks.