Thread: Another
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Old Thu Dec 02, 2004, 02:12pm
MJT MJT is offline
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Re: Another Keep the Board Going Question

Originally posted by Bob M.
OK folks…here’s my first offering for the off-season board. It’s a day early. My goal is to attempt to address normal game situations rather than extreme ‘what-if’ stuff. However, I also intend to include a twist or two on my play to address the needs of the “Stump the Chump” bunch. Please indicate in your response whether you’re answering according to NCAA or Federation rules.

PLAY: A’s ball, 3/17 from A’s 10. Punter A10’s kick is blocked at A’s 3. It…
(a) rolls out of bounds at A’s 2
(b) rolls into A’s end zone and over the end line
(c) rolls into A’s end zone where it is recovered on the ground by A15
(d) rolls into A’s end zone where it is recovered on the ground by B76
(e) is recovered by A67 at A’s 1 yardline.

OK…those were the easier ones. Now for you “Stump the Chump” enthusiasts…

(f) is recovered jointly by A55 and B75 at A’s 2
(g) rolls toward the sideline where both teams let it lie believing it has gone out of bounds. The official eventually blows the play dead with the ball inbounds at A’s 3
(h) rolls into A’s endzone where it is jointly recovered by A15 and B56.
(i) It rolls to the endline but remains in the endzone. Neither team attempts to recover it. The covering official blows it dead.
A. B's ball at the A2.
B. safety
C. safety
D. TD for B
E. B's ball at the A1

F. B's ball at the A2 - joint recovery after kick goes to B
G. B's ball at the A3 - unrecovered goes to B
H. Safety - joint recovery again
I. TD for B - backwards pass or fumble in opponents EZ not recovered is a TD.
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