I've got to be honest. I was with Jurassic on this (remove the jewelry, not the player, and continue the game) until I saw Bob Jenkins response.
Case book plays are very specific - REMOVE THE PLAYER.
Not sure how these plays became related to rule 2-4-5
Rule 2-4-5 ...Prior to each contest, the head coach shall verify that his/her team member's uniforms and equipment are legal and will be worn properly, and that all participants will exhibit proper sporting behavior throughout the contest.
but the case plays are:
2.4.5 Situation A
Before the contest both coaches verify that their teams are legally equipped. In the third quarter A1 is discovered wearing a ring. RULING A1 must leave the game and remove the jewelry and may re-enter the game at the next substitution opportunity, but no penalty is assessed against A1 or the coach.
2.4.5 Situation B
To the referee's pre-game inquiry of coaches regarding all team members being legally equipped and wearing the uniform properly, both coaches responded "Yes." Three minutes into the first quarter, U1 observes A5 with a tongue stud. RULING: When the tongue stud is noticed, A5 must leave the game and may not return until the stud has been removed. There is no technical foul assessed. (3-5-6)
3-5-6 Jewelry shall not be worn.
Avoid the conflict and ensure no jewelry before the game starts, during warm-ups.
Thanks, Bob!
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford