Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Then why would you let a player shoot a free throw while wearing an earring? Isn't shooting a free throw "playing"?
Mark, he/she would simply have to remove the jewelry. I am not bring in a sub just because I notice this at this moment.
Originally posted by Mark Padgett
I don't let kids play with rubber bands on their wrists or anywhere else. Problem solved.
Originally posted by Mark Padgett
I don't. I treat them the same.
You don't what? I treat them the same as well. Not sure what point you are trying to make here.
Rut - what I meant is that if I notice a kid wearing jewelry, I wait until the next dead ball and make them take it off. I do the same thing with rubber bands. What I meant by "anywhere else" was that I don't let them wear them around their necks, upper arm or ankles (and yes, I have seen all of these, bizarre as it sounds).
I'm not suggesting throwing a player out, but I would not let a player shoot a free throw if I noticed he or she was wearing jewelry at that time. I would make the player go take it off, then come back and shoot.
If I was in a nasty mood (and that
never happens), I might call an indirect on the coach for lying to me before the game that all jewelry was off that team's players.