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Old Mon Nov 29, 2004, 02:44pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by thumpferee
Officials need to apply the rules so the players and coaches know what the ruling is. I have noticed that some officials will apply the rule, and some will not. IMO we as officials need to get on the same page and apply the rules of the game whether or not it is a youth 5th grade game or a varsity high school game. By making the call with regard to the rules as they were intended not only teaches the players, but to better educate the coaches who are teaching our youth how to play the game by the rules.
You are right. I apply the way the rules state it and the way they are applied in my area. We do not remove players from the game that have on jewelry. JR in my opinion not only gave the rule, he also gave the widely accepted practice in my area. That is what I am doing. I am not removing players from the game because the have their shirt out, just like I am not removing players from the game that have on jewelry. You wait until a dead ball and you take action. You do not have to make a big production out of it.

Originally posted by thumpferee
Making up rules does not help our youth to become better players and become more knowledgable in the sports in which they participate. And when it comes to youth sports, I feel that is part of our job as officials, is to educate them by administering the rules of the game in which they are intended.
I do not know who you are suggesting is making up rules here? I think the disagreement is what rules apply and what rules do not apply. You can be a rulebook official and apply ever rule to the letter regardless of common sense all you like, but it will not make your partners or the coaches very happy either. If I removed every single player because their shirt came out, I would not only waste a lot of time, I would cause further problems for myself and my partners during that game. Because if I am that picky about that rule, guess what other rules they are going to want me and my partners to call to the letter?

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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