Originally posted by UmpireErnie
moose on the feild (Hey, I am in Alaska! I had it happen last season! Trust me, you do NOT argue with a moose!)
Hell, no, you don't argue with the moose. You go to the coach who has been the most troublesome and say, "Coach, is that your moose out there?"
Before he gets a chance to respond, you continue, "Coach, that moose is ejected and if you don't have it off the field in two minutes, I'm forfeiting this game!"
#1, make sure you know this guy/gal and are confident they have a sense of humor.
#2, it will take a second to sink in, so make sure you stand there with a constant grin on your face and as soon as s/he begins to erupt, make sure they understand that you are just kidding and you are not going to forfeit the game.
Of course, you follow-up with that you at least want him to get it into the dugout.
Okay, so you may be pushing it a bit there. Now a couple of things may happen at this point. Either the coach will laugh with you, or you can expect to spend the rest of your season working the worst softball in the world.
BTW, if the opposing coach comes over and demands the forfeit you mentioned, toss 'em! They are too damn stupid to be part of any game where a moose can enter the field of play!